Copy An Invoice

Go to Invoices and then select an Invoice from the Invoice Summary section.

Copy an existing invoice to save time:

  1. Click the Actions menu on the upper right-hand side of the invoice, and click Copy.
  2. In the Copy Invoice pop-up window, you can either add a new invoice number or leave it blank to reuse the old invoice number. Click Copy.
  3. The newly copied invoice will load. All of the fields from the old invoice are copied into the new invoice. It will either have the new invoice number (if you added it in the previous step) or the old invoice number (if the field was left blank in the previous step).
  4. The newly copied invoice's status will be set to Saved by default. If you make changes to the newly copied invoice, remember to click Save to preserve the changes. 

Note: You can locate the new invoice by returning to the Invoice Summary and filtering the invoices by Status = Saved.